Military Support
Germany plans to double Ukraine military aid budget in 2024
14.11.2023, 14:23
The German government plans to significantly increase its budget for military aid to Ukraine in the coming year.
The budget for 2024 is to include €8 billion ($8.6 billion) instead of the originally estimated €4 billion in aid, according to a proposal by the Finance Ministry, which was sent to the parliamentary budget committee on Monday evening.
The additional funds are earmarked "for further support for Ukraine and to ensure in particular the replacement of Bundeswehr [Germany's armed forces] material that was handed over to Ukraine."
In addition, so-called commitment authorizations for military support for Ukraine are to be increased by €2 billion. This involves expenditure that will only be recognized in subsequent years. A total of €6 billion has now been earmarked for the financial years 2025 to 2028.
Defence Minister Boris Pistorius confirmed the plans on Tuesday at a meeting of EU defence ministers in Brussels. He cautioned that parliament would have the final say.
The budget approval process is set to be completed by parliament in early December.